When the world falls down around you,
and hope is lost...
When you find yourself alone...
Amid a lightless place,
look to the distance.
Know that I am there,
and that I watch over you...
01.ho PM Friendly.

02.ho Code by Failurecodes. Ask before taking.

03.ho IC is not OOC. Please separate.

04.ho This is a Final Fantasy XV character. I try to portray her to the best of my abilities.

05.ho If you're going to cause OOC drama, bye!

06.ho No auto-shipping, please. I'd like to see where characters go before it gets there.

07.ho We are not together OOCly while our characters are.

08.ho I'm not much for T1 fighting, but I try. No godmodding, please.

09.ho I am a shitpost - multipara roleplayer. Don't be intimidated if your posts are smaller. It comes with practice and a spark of muse.

10.ho I am a mild grammar nazi. Not out of a haughty disposition, but because i love words. If you don't know how to spell a word and I correct you, please don't be upset. I believe that everyone should have a chance to better themselves.


hon Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis accumsan tellus cursus turpis dapibus, eget rutrum est lobortis. Suspendisse potenti. Sed molestie nisl sed urna rutrum sollicitudin. Donec sollicitudin a sem nec lobortis. Maecenas gravida tortor at nibh sagittis, at elementum odio lacinia. Sed tempus rhoncus nunc, a sagittis dui ultricies et. Maecenas pharetra luctus mattis. Proin vitae tempor turpis, a vehicula turpis. Vestibulum tristique consectetur magna, eu accumsan sapien pulvinar a. Etiam semper tempor libero, ac tempor nunc faucibus eu.

Sed rutrum, nisi non pretium pulvinar, dolor dui finibus turpis, eu volutpat velit ex a tellus. Curabitur justo ipsum, auctor vel semper ut, maximus pharetra mauris. Cras feugiat magna massa. Etiam at nunc gravida, scelerisque nibh et, mattis nisi. Nunc porta bibendum gravida. Vivamus ut nibh lacus. Curabitur eu aliquet massa. Morbi quis mi nunc.

Vivamus efficitur nunc in malesuada venenatis. Vestibulum eget ex scelerisque, lacinia elit a, varius orci. Donec sed tincidunt arcu. Pellentesque gravida lacus felis, pretium pellentesque mi laoreet nec. Praesent eget sodales tellus. Donec in cursus augue. Integer ipsum turpis, vehicula a congue non, maximus nec arcu. Nullam cursus et diam nec eleifend. Praesent feugiat in enim sed laoreet. Duis non luctus massa, eget pretium lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Proin tincidunt eget dolor lacinia varius. Aliquam vel ullamcorper leo. Praesent at sem lorem.
According to legend Eos was created by a race of beings that descended from a higher plane. The six Astrals formed a key part in this creation process: Titan the god of earth, Ramuh the storm god, Leviathan the sea goddess, Shiva the goddess of ice, Ifrit the god of fire, and Bahamut the god of light. The mysterious beings retreated from the world, while the Astrals would remain—they would become recognized as a race of their own, with their own language and agendas, and a wish to protect the natural world.

According to legend Eos was created by a race of beings that descended from a higher plane. The six Astrals formed a key part in this creation process: Titan the god of earth, Ramuh the storm god, Leviathan the sea goddess, Shiva the goddess of ice, Ifrit the god of fire, and Bahamut the god of light. The mysterious beings retreated from the world, while the Astrals would remain—they would become recognized as a race of their own, with their own language and agendas, and a wish to protect the natural world.

According to legend Eos was created by a race of beings that descended from a higher plane. The six Astrals formed a key part in this creation process: Titan the god of earth, Ramuh the storm god, Leviathan the sea goddess, Shiva the goddess of ice, Ifrit the god of fire, and Bahamut the god of light. The mysterious beings retreated from the world, while the Astrals would remain—they would become recognized as a race of their own, with their own language and agendas, and a wish to protect the natural world.

NAME Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
ALIAS The Oracle, (former) Princess
YEARS 24 (Sept. 24)

WEIGHT 150lbs
HAIR Blonde
MARITAL Complicated
WEAPON Trident of the Oracles
FAMILY Ravus Nox Fleuret