Isolde is a rather quiet type. How she became that way not a lot of people know. Despite the more quiet Nature that she has, she is surprisingly prone to share motherly affections or otherwise to other Pokemon. Humans, not so much. The fact that she is often found asleep shows that she must have some type of Narcolepsy or some other underlaying reason as to why she slumbers away.
PM Friendly.
Not entirely fond of Humans.
Isolde is indeed of
German descent.
Vulnona is the German name of Ninetales.
--Pokemon Sun/Moon.
OOC =/= IC.
Drama Llamas find another field to graze.
Shoddy on T1 Fighting. Pls help.
Coding by
Failurecodes. Pls Credit.
Sleeps on everything. Literally.
Yes, Isolde has a
Gijinka form, though it's rarely seen.