You can pull out your knife...
Shadow is around 25 years of age
Shadow's Birthday is June 7th
Shadow hates the term Nekomimi. Vehemently.
Shadow has high-chances of miscarries if she becomes pregnant.
Shadow adores torturing Tarro. ♥
Shadow does have a collar.
It's not as sharp as mine!
So uh, awkward. Here we are, just you and me. Player and Player. Toss the characters aside here for a second:
I'm not one for blurring the lines between
Character and
Character. And I ask for the sanctity of our sanity that you respect this. If your character is irrevocably in love with mine and this transfers to personal feelings, either A:
keep it to yourself or B: Discern if you really love me as a Person or me as a Thought of Shadow. I'm not interested in relationships at this time, nor am I willing to be.
Hey, I'm with all the smut like the rest of y'all. But occasionally I do like some story to go with. Just a quick rut, or a long-time running thing, take your pick. But be warned, if you tickle my fancy, I do post big. And just not in girth, thank you.~
side note: I'm not a dominant personality what-so-ever. If your profile says 'submissive', you're going to have to educate me in private on if you can also dominate or not. While I'm sassy and snarky on the dance floor, the bedroom is a ball-game entirely different.
Quality Posting
As brought up in the last section, I post from semi-paragraphs to full blown novella. While the latter isn't as common as the former now, you'll know you caught my interest in earnest. But I also mirror post. I give what I get, I'm afraid. And I do expect at least a basic understanding of the English language from my partners. If you're not from any English-tongued country, I fully understand why words may be confusing. Just ask what they mean!~
side note: Oh, there is also one little thing. I don't mind having posts thrown at me in Private without talking first, but if it's something I don't like, I'll let you know. ♥
Drama Llama Duck
While sticks and stones can't break me, there are others that're more sensitive than I. Respect them -- the fact that some of you people strive to ruin days, go to your lonely corner and rub one out until you're happy again. People come here to have fun and get out of the
highschool life. To forget reality for a while. But people who bring
Drama to the
OOC are unfun and quite a droll, to say the least. I've done my fair share I admit, but it's a group effort to keep a room drama free. Not just the mods.
What makes you Hot?
Rather, what turns me off. While I could use an F-list and let you know exactly, I personally prefer being asked, because there's some things I don't agree with. Just let me know if you have a particular kink that you'd think I may like, even if we're in the throes of it. I enjoy learning about new 'kinks'. And as time goes on, I can tell you which ones I like and don't like in more detail.
For now, the dislikes: Gore, Vore, Footplay, toilet play, scat, water sport, dirty talk (Giving/Recieving{Some is fine, but not every other line}), hard bondage (Whips, candle wax and the likes)
Coding Expertise
See all of this? This is indeed my coding. But the only thing I ask that you don't take will be the layout itself. The pieces I cannot claim to own because nine-times-out-of-ten someone already did it or is using something similar to it. I thank many people who know what-do, though they might not notice right now that they helped me. I'm a fairly easy-minded person on this and if you want a profile, all you need to do is ask and I can see if I can scrounge one up for you, if not let you use one of my quick and easies. Please don't steal the layouts themselves.
Best Viewed On
This profile is best viewed on:
Google Chrome
90% Zoom
I don't know how it looks on bigger screens since I don't have one myself. I apologize if some things look out of place until you zoom out, because I have a constant-90% zoom on my computer due to how small it is.